a burgundy zine

Tag: dermatology

Lush Cup O’Coffee Review

Refreshing, revitalizing, and exfoliating, Lush’s Cup O’Coffee face and body mask is the wake-up call your skin has been begging for.

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Natural Remedies For Dry Skin

Your outfit’s on point, your hair game is fly. You’re reving up to take a bomb photoshoot of one when all the sudden – oh me, oh my. Red, patchy, flaky skin has made a home out of your face.

We’ve all been there. Dry skin is a common nuisance, but it’s pretty easy to tackle naturally.

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What the Heck Are UV Rays, Anyways?

Ultraviolet (UV) light is radiated from the sun and tanning lamps. Overexposure can cause UV radiation, which is a major cause of skin cancer.

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What the Heck is SPF, Anyways?

Sun protection factor, better known as SPF, indicates how effective sunscreen is at protecting your skin from the sun.

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