a burgundy zine

Tag: facts

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What the Heck is SPF, Anyways?

Sun protection factor, better known as SPF, indicates how effective sunscreen is at protecting your skin from the sun.

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How Smoking was Denormalized

Cigarettes? Yuck. Cigars? Even yuckier… As the kids these day would say. Teen tobacco use was at an all-time low with only 10.4 percent of youths smoking in 2017, Truth Initiative reports. This marked a 45 percent decline since 2011, when 18.6 percent of teenagers smoked cigarettes.

How did we get here? When did smoking stop being cool, despite it remaining an over romanticized aesthetic?

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The Evolution of Meme Culture

Memes are the currency of the world wide web. Love them or hate them, they’ve fostered global connections and raised an entire generation.

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Cigarettes: Over Romanticized and Over Done ’till Death

Between the parting of your lips and secured between your teeth is nothing but pure bliss – or what some might call a “cancer stick.”

Cigarettes are more than just a quick hit of dopamine and death sentence. They are a timeless aesthetic, romanticized and over done until the very end.

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Thermophiles – Wait, That’s Not a Fetish?

Although the name “thermophile” may throw you for a loop, it is not a reference to those with a burning passion for heat. Rather, it is microscopic bacteria that is able to thrive in boiling water.

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