a burgundy zine

Tag: gi disorders

Burping and Belching: How the Hell Do You Make it Stop!?

Listen, we all get gas trapped in our stomachs or upper gastrointestinal tract from time to time. Burping is simply a part of the human experience.

But if your conversations are regularly interrupted by little squeaks or ogrish growls that rattle around your rib cage before flinging themselves of your mouth, it may be time to change up your lifestyle habits.

Excess burping could also be a sign of an underlying condition, like a gastrointestinal disorder.

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High Fructose Corn Syrup in the Impossible Game of Hide-n-Seek

High fructose corn syrup is like glitter – it’s everywhere.

Just when you think you’ve finally eliminated it by cutting soda, candies, jams, and jellies out of your life, HFCS rears its head into your favorite soups and condiments.

So, what is HFCS? Where the hell does it come from? Why do some believe it’s “bad for you” and what should you do if you can’t digest fructose?

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