a burgundy zine

Tag: organization

Get Your Shit Together with Trello

Are you running out of fingers to count all of your ideas on? Do you spend your nights ruminating over your to-do lists?

Well, look no further. Trello is a modern, user-friendly tool that’ll help you visualize and organize your goals.

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Cute but Corny New Years Resolutions

A resolution for the new year doesn’t have to be some drastic life-altering change. In fact, there are plenty of little decisions you can make that will have quite a huge impact on your daily life.

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New Year’s Resolutions: a Blessing and a Curse

New Year’s resolutions are a blessing and a curse. On one hand, they’re a wonderful starting point and a great way to get the masses motivated. On the other hand, it’s completely and utterly bogus to base our goals around an arbitrary date. In reality, you should always strive to better yourself – not just for a week or four during the first quarter of the year.

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