a burgundy zine

Tag: weekly newsletters

Weekly Newsletter #86: TALK TO US ABOUT SCIENCE

Y’know, I had this realization the other day that I manage to casually slip some textbook-sounding medical tidbit into just about every conversation that I have.

So, TALK TO US ABOUT SCIENCE! Don’t be surprised if editor burgundy bug somehow manages to go off on some ICD-esque tangent, though.

Anyways, let’s dive into our weekly recap.

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Weekly Newsletter #83: The Final Stretch

As I emerge from the cavern I’ve confined myself to, fingers locked to my half-correct typing position, legs twisted into puzzles, eyes glowing with a signature bloodshot glare, I realize that I’ve laid out over 50 percent of “The Burgundy Zine #16: Skin Care, Self Care” in less than one week.

Welcome to the final stretch, bug buddies… And boy, is it about time I stood up and did some stretches myself.

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Weekly Newsletter #81: Big (buuuurp) News, Everyone!

In case you missed, we updated our submissions policies this week.

Oh, and we released an article about burping that ends in an important life lesson learned from “Shrek.”

With that, let’s dive into our weekly recap!

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Weekly Newsletter #72: Happy Mother’s Day

Pull out your notepad and pen or whip out your smartphone and get dialing, it’s time to show the one who brought you into this world a little love.

After all, she did let you live in her uterus for nine months. A letter or a phone call is the least you can do for her.

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Weekly Newsletter #66: Thank You For Healing With Us

Well, bug buddies. It’s 4:00 AM, I’ve just finished going through my emails, and I’m ’bout to ugly cry out here because YOU’RE ALL SO KIND!! AHHHH.

My mushy-gushy softness aside, we extend our love and appreciation to our entire community for, once again, coming together and helping us make another issue of our digital magazine possible.

In addition to our regularly scheduled programming, we’d also take to take a moment to discuss a few new features in this issue of our digital magazine a bit more in-depth.

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Weekly Newsletter #63: Caffeine Fiends

All the caffeine in the world won’t make our schedules any more legible.

Fun fact: Daylight savings began as we were writing this article and for a split second we thought we had gulped down enough tea to make the entire hour fly by.

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