a burgundy zine

Category: How To

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Finding Your Niche as a Freelance Writer

Navigating the trials and tribulations of discovering your specialty as a writer is basically one big game of throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.

But even then — where do you start?

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Burping and Belching: How the Hell Do You Make it Stop!?

Listen, we all get gas trapped in our stomachs or upper gastrointestinal tract from time to time. Burping is simply a part of the human experience.

But if your conversations are regularly interrupted by little squeaks or ogrish growls that rattle around your rib cage before flinging themselves of your mouth, it may be time to change up your lifestyle habits.

Excess burping could also be a sign of an underlying condition, like a gastrointestinal disorder.

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Write Now, Edit Later

As your caffeine-induced writing binge draws to a close, you shake the 90-words-per-minute keystrokes off your hands and wipe your brows. Phew!

But it’s not over ’till it’s over. In fact, now you’re tasked with the most important (and often the most challenging) part of your writing rendezvous.

Push back your glasses, it’s time to start editing… Or is it?

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Natural Remedies For Dry Skin

Your outfit’s on point, your hair game is fly. You’re reving up to take a bomb photoshoot of one when all the sudden – oh me, oh my. Red, patchy, flaky skin has made a home out of your face.

We’ve all been there. Dry skin is a common nuisance, but it’s pretty easy to tackle naturally.

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Establishing a Personable Brand

Take a look at who you’re following online and ask yourself why you follow them. You probably follow a few loved ones, perhaps some colleagues. Maybe some of the accounts you follow are owned by celebrities or brands.

Now, think about why you follow a brand on social media. Naturally, it’s assumed that you like the brand. But do you follow every brand you like online?

What’s so special about the brands you follow? What has encouraged you to pledge your online support to them?

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