a burgundy zine

Tag: blm

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Weekly Newsletter #76: Just Two Weeks Left of Our Kickstarter

There are just two weeks left for our Kickstarter to reach its funding goal! We’re 33 percent funded and can’t thank our backers enough for their support and generous contributions so far.

Donations start at a dollar and every reward receives art – commissions start at $25! If we surpass our funding goal, we will donate the surplus to both the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the George Floyd Memorial.

Your support will enable our community to launch its very own merch store and keep growing. Please help us spread the word about our campaign.

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The Burgundy Zine Kickstarter Update #4: Help Us Help Others

I’m going to be frank. It honestly feels like there couldn’t be a worse time to run a Kickstarter campaign – and I’m not saying that to start a pity party, but I’ve been holding off sharing news about the Kickstarter because there are far bigger, more relevant issues currently weighing on all of our minds.

It’s like a tug-o-war. We don’t want to let down our community by cutting our Kickstarter short, but we find it unethical to promote our own fundraising when you could be donating to The George Floyd Memorial Fund, your local bail fund, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense Fund, and donate to the countless other victims of injustice.

We want you to support these organizations and individuals with us.

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