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Tag: brain health

An Abbreviated History of Neuroscience

Ah, neuroscience, the study of the squishy, slimy, three-pound computer that rests between our ears. Although the brain is the most complex organ in the body (or as a Trends in Cognitive Sciences Journal review aptly put it, “one of the most complex multicellular structures in biology”), neuroscience itself is only a mere 55 years old.

That’s right — the study of the brain, this omnipotent, protein and fat blob of soft tissue, is probably much younger than your grandparents.

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The Default Mode Network: The Center of You

Take your hands off the keyboard, relax, and take a deep breath. Try your best to do absolutely nothing for a moment. Where did your mind go?

Assuming you were able to achieve a resting state, your brain’s default mode network kicked on.

There’s still much to be researched about the DMN, however, the data currently available has lead researchers to believe the DMN may be at the center of our ego.

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