a burgundy zine

Tag: covid

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On the Bright Side of COVID-19: Placentas and Vaccines

Despite the recent spike in coronavirus cases, a glimmer of hope shines in from two recent National Institutes of Health press releases.

First, the NIH says placentas lack major molecules used by COVID-19 to cause an infection. This may explain why it’s (thankfully) very rare to see fetuses and newborns contracting the virus from infected pregnant mothers.

Second, the first phase of an NIH-sponsored COVID-19 vaccine appears to safely generate an immune response in healthy adults.

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Pi Day? More Like, Vihart Day

It’s that time of the year again, bug buddies. “Mathemusician” and anti-Pi enthusiast YouTuber Vihart has returned with another one of her infamous “Anti-Pi Rant” videos.

This year, Vihart dives into various scenarios in which Pi itself contracts the coronavirus and spreads it exponentially to humans, other numbers, and of course, aliens.

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Free Telemedicine Platform to Combat COVID-19 by Bluestream Health

In response to the growing outbreak of COVID-19 across the nation and globe, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended various measures to reduce unnecessary health care visits and prevent transmission.

Virtual care figures prominently in these recommendations, and telemedicine provider Bluestream Health has stepped up to provide its solution to caregivers free of charge.

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