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Tag: doctor

Free Telemedicine Platform to Combat COVID-19 by Bluestream Health

In response to the growing outbreak of COVID-19 across the nation and globe, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended various measures to reduce unnecessary health care visits and prevent transmission.

Virtual care figures prominently in these recommendations, and telemedicine provider Bluestream Health has stepped up to provide its solution to caregivers free of charge.

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Love Thy Doctor: Recent Statistics Say Otherwise

Do you love your doctor, the health care specialist who you’re supposed to entrust with your life and wellbeing?

If you don’t, you’re not alone. A recent Vanguard Communications study shows that doctors are 72 percent more likely to receive a one-star review than lawyers.

Yet, most of the online-complaints against doctors aren’t about the physicians themselves, rather, the practice they work in. But the blame still tends to fall on the doctor.

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