a burgundy zine

Tag: philadelphia

Herbology’s Happy Hour in Philly

Herbology hosted a happy hour event to celebrate the grand opening of their dispensaries in the Philadelphia area at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Pop-Up Garden on the evening of June 6.

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Philly Culture

Despite being at the epicenter of American history and bearing home to some of the most beautiful artwork in the country, the culture of Philadelphia remains the best kept secret in Pennsylvania – if not the entire nation.

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What is the Soda Tax?

You’re carousing the aisles of your favorite convenience store in Philadelphia, parched, your mouth as dry as the Sahara desert. Craving a bubbly, sugary Coke, you quickly navigate to the beverage section only to find the price has jumped to $2.12 – and that’s not including the city’s 0.08 percent sales tax, either.

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How to Celebrate 4/20 in Philly 2019

Apr 20th is a global, counterculture holiday with hazy origins.

Some accredit the existence of “4/20” to a group of high school students known as the “Waldos” who would meet up near a wall at school to smoke at 4:20 P.M. in the 70s, according to a High Times recipe book.

Others attribute 4/20 to Bob Marley, the musician an iconic figure in the cannabis community.

In any case, 4/20 is a day to kick back, exhale, and celebrate cannabis – legally and responsibly.

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