a burgundy zine

Tag: science

Fake Trees Won’t Appease Millennials

For millennials, it ain’t a Christmas tree unless it really sheds and breathes. According to a recent Value Penguin survey in the United States, millennials are 82 percent more likely to buy live Christmas trees than baby boomers.

However, an artificial tree is generally $513 cheaper than a real tree. While it may not be the more economical choice, it’s still the more environmental choice, says the National Christmas Tree Association.

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What is Positive Psychology?

The field of psychology often hones in on understanding mental and behavioral disorders. Every time a new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual is released, psychologists and psychiatrists are tasked to familiarize themselves with an ever expanding list of disorders as well as updates to previously defined terms.

At the cusp of the 21st century, Martin Seligman, P.h.D. sought to change that by pursuing the field of positive psychology, says University of Penn.

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How Plants Think: The Controversy of Consciousness

Unencumbered by words and semantics, plants express themselves through their luscious leaves and abundant blooms, which are the result of carefully calculated survival tactics that almost seem “thought out.”

These physical characteristics can tell human observers a lot about how the plant is doing; whether it needs more water or sunlight, warmth or humidity, and so forth – but, plants don’t have eyes like we do. They don’t have brains like ours, yet research shows they possess intelligence.

How far does that intelligence go? Do plants “think?”

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How Dogs Think, Feel, and Communicate

“BARK! BARK! BARK!” Neurons fire to one in another in the face of a feline, fire hydrant, mailman, or dog treat. “BAAAAAAARK,” neurons fire again as the owner walks out the door and leaves the canine behind for an eight-hour shift.

Dogs have been “man’s best friend” for thousands of years, reports a study published in Nature Communications – but, is man dog’s best friend? How do they regard human relationships? What do dogs think and feel? How do they communicate?

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What is CBD by CBD Central

CBD Central takes us on an in-depth exploration of cannabidiol, the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis plants.

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Sensory Information in Dreams: Sighted vs Blind

Vivid, colorful imagery; stomach-dropping falls; jumbled conversations. Dreams are brimming with sensory information, whether you’re running from “Slenderman,” shaking hands with a celebrity, or screaming because you forgot to wear pants to school.

Where does this sensory information come from? How does blindness affect your dreams?

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The Chilling Effects of Sleep Deprivation

As you’re laying in bed, toughing it through another night of your thoughts running laps around your brain, you glance over at your phone. The clock reads “5:24 AM.” You have to be up by 6:00, but you haven’t slept a wink all night.

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Water in Kilauea: The Impact and Potential Aftermath

Water was found in Kilauea, the most active volcano on the island of Hawai’i, on July 25, according to US Geological Survey (USGS)’s most recent report.

Recently, we reached out to Janet Babb and Dr. Carolyn Parcheta, experts with the USGS, via email to learn more about these findings and what they could mean for Kilauea, the island of Hawaii, and its residents.

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