a burgundy zine

Tag: vape

How to Celebrate 4/20 in Philly 2019

Apr 20th is a global, counterculture holiday with hazy origins.

Some accredit the existence of “4/20” to a group of high school students known as the “Waldos” who would meet up near a wall at school to smoke at 4:20 P.M. in the 70s, according to a High Times recipe book.

Others attribute 4/20 to Bob Marley, the musician an iconic figure in the cannabis community.

In any case, 4/20 is a day to kick back, exhale, and celebrate cannabis – legally and responsibly.

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Cigarettes: Over Romanticized and Over Done ’till Death

Between the parting of your lips and secured between your teeth is nothing but pure bliss – or what some might call a “cancer stick.”

Cigarettes are more than just a quick hit of dopamine and death sentence. They are a timeless aesthetic, romanticized and over done until the very end.

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