a burgundy zine

Category: Advice

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When Everything’s Changing by Camille Mola

Camille Mola of Positive Publicity shares with us “When Everything’s Changing,” an article reflecting upon the inevitability of change and coming to terms with it.

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Hiking Through Bushkill Falls

Hailed as “the Niagara of Pennsylvania,” Bushkill Falls is a scenic attraction featuring eight waterfalls, which can be seen from trails at four different skill levels.

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Summer Makeup Guide by Ela Kaimo

Ela Kaimo of Lipstick and Knives helps us get ready for summer with a sweet, fresh makeup routine.

This article will also be featured in the sixth issue of The Burgundy Zine.

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What the Heck Are UV Rays, Anyways?

Ultraviolet (UV) light is radiated from the sun and tanning lamps. Overexposure can cause UV radiation, which is a major cause of skin cancer.

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What the Heck is SPF, Anyways?

Sun protection factor, better known as SPF, indicates how effective sunscreen is at protecting your skin from the sun.

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The B Word and Its Influence by Rebecca Gibson

Rebecca Gibson shares her personal experience as a bisexual member of the LGBTQ community as well as what she’s learned while studying for her master’s degree.

This article will also be featured in the sixth issue of The Burgundy Zine

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