a burgundy zine

Category: Cannabis

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How CBD Took the World by Storm

In the last few months, it seems cannabidiol (CBD) has cropped up just about everywhere in the United States. It’s in our headshops, pharmacies, salons, and even our big-box retailers – but why?

What even is this “CBD” stuff, anyways?

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The History of Cannabis Use

Cannabis, marijuana, flower, pot, gonja, green, grass, herb – however you prefer to refer to reefer – is a mild hallucinogenic drug that has been cultivated and used as far back as 500 BC.

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How to Celebrate 4/20 in Philly 2019

Apr 20th is a global, counterculture holiday with hazy origins.

Some accredit the existence of “4/20” to a group of high school students known as the “Waldos” who would meet up near a wall at school to smoke at 4:20 P.M. in the 70s, according to a High Times recipe book.

Others attribute 4/20 to Bob Marley, the musician an iconic figure in the cannabis community.

In any case, 4/20 is a day to kick back, exhale, and celebrate cannabis – legally and responsibly.

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Cigarettes: Over Romanticized and Over Done ’till Death

Between the parting of your lips and secured between your teeth is nothing but pure bliss – or what some might call a “cancer stick.”

Cigarettes are more than just a quick hit of dopamine and death sentence. They are a timeless aesthetic, romanticized and over done until the very end.

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What in the World Wednesdays #11: DREAMers, Brexits, Boeings, and Anti-Semitism

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives introduced a bill to allow DREAMers and other undocumented immigrants who are temporarily protected to apply for citizenship.

Meanwhile, New Jersey legislators announced a bill to legalize recreational cannabis; The UK Parliament voted against the Prime Minister’s proposed Brexit deal again on Tuesday and announced their plan to leave the EU without a deal today; another Boeing 737 crashed, killing all of its passengers; a federal investigation of a nationwide college-entrance scam is underway; anti-semitism runs rampant among students at Newport Harbor High School; and the World Wide Web celebrated its 30th birthday this week.

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