a burgundy zine

Category: Science

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What’s with the Weather in Pa?

We’re only half way through the year and Pa residents have already found themselves subject to 31 tornados.

Considering that our state averages 16 tornados annually, it’s time to hunker down and buckle up for how the climate is changing right before our very eyes.

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How Smoking was Denormalized

Cigarettes? Yuck. Cigars? Even yuckier… As the kids these day would say. Teen tobacco use was at an all-time low with only 10.4 percent of youths smoking in 2017, Truth Initiative reports. This marked a 45 percent decline since 2011, when 18.6 percent of teenagers smoked cigarettes.

How did we get here? When did smoking stop being cool, despite it remaining an over romanticized aesthetic?

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What is the Soda Tax?

You’re carousing the aisles of your favorite convenience store in Philadelphia, parched, your mouth as dry as the Sahara desert. Craving a bubbly, sugary Coke, you quickly navigate to the beverage section only to find the price has jumped to $2.12 – and that’s not including the city’s 0.08 percent sales tax, either.

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