a burgundy zine

Category: Psychology

The Role of Serotonin in Your Daily Life

Serotonin is a hormone associated with mood regulation and well-being, but its functions go far beyond that.

Countless research over the last few decades has linked serotonin to regulating stress, long-term memory recall, sleep, digestion, blood pressure, and body temperature.

The hormone has also been critical to furthering the understanding of various neurological, behavioral, and emotional conditions, such as depression and migraines.

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Sensory Information in Dreams: Sighted vs Blind

Vivid, colorful imagery; stomach-dropping falls; jumbled conversations. Dreams are brimming with sensory information, whether you’re running from “Slenderman,” shaking hands with a celebrity, or screaming because you forgot to wear pants to school.

Where does this sensory information come from? How does blindness affect your dreams?

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The Chilling Effects of Sleep Deprivation

As you’re laying in bed, toughing it through another night of your thoughts running laps around your brain, you glance over at your phone. The clock reads “5:24 AM.” You have to be up by 6:00, but you haven’t slept a wink all night.

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Overcoming First Day Jitters

School’s back in session, rapidly reversing summer’s recession of classroom blues.

Whether you’re the new kid or a seasoned pupil amongst the hustle and bustle of peers hurrying through the hallways during the first week, you’re not alone in your first day jitters. 50.8 million students will be at the hands of 3.2 million teachers in public schools across America, the National Center for Education Statistics reports.

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Herbology’s Town Hall in Morton, Pa

The medicinal marijuana dispensary Herbology held an event at the Morton Borough Hall to discuss the science behind medicinal cannabis and answer questions about their new location on the evening of Apr 23rd.

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How CBD Took the World by Storm

In the last few months, it seems cannabidiol (CBD) has cropped up just about everywhere in the United States. It’s in our headshops, pharmacies, salons, and even our big-box retailers – but why?

What even is this “CBD” stuff, anyways?

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Cigarettes: Over Romanticized and Over Done ’till Death

Between the parting of your lips and secured between your teeth is nothing but pure bliss – or what some might call a “cancer stick.”

Cigarettes are more than just a quick hit of dopamine and death sentence. They are a timeless aesthetic, romanticized and over done until the very end.

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