a burgundy zine

Tag: blog

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Bug’s Philosophy: Self Care is Productive

It’s all too easy to find yourself consumed by the vortex of constant productivity. After all, if you’re not creating something worth sharing on the internet, then what the hell are you doing?

As stacks of to-do lists pile up to your eyes alongside empty coffee mugs, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters: your emotional and physical wellbeing.

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Finding Your Niche as a Freelance Writer

Navigating the trials and tribulations of discovering your specialty as a writer is basically one big game of throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.

But even then — where do you start?

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Why Anxiety Prevents You From Falling Asleep

Your heart’s beating like a racehorse and you’re gasping for air. Beads of sweat break from your pores and trickle across your skin. Your stomach’s in a twist and your mind is either shouting garbled nonsense or filled with cotton balls.

Sound familiar? These are among the most common symptoms of anxiety. About 31 percent of adults in America will experience anxiety at some point in their life, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

In addition to interfering with your daily life, anxiety can make sleeping seem like an impossibly arduous task. But… why?

Fortunately, Vanessa O. of Sleepopolis is here to explain the ins and outs of anxiety-induced insomnia.

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Summer Storms

a perfect summer storm rolled in
just on the cusp of spring,
at the sight of rain, my eyes widened,
my pupils dilated,

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Weekly Newsletter #81: Big (buuuurp) News, Everyone!

In case you missed, we updated our submissions policies this week.

Oh, and we released an article about burping that ends in an important life lesson learned from “Shrek.”

With that, let’s dive into our weekly recap!

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Bug’s Philosophy: What Makes a Truly Great Artist?

A significant portion of my adolescence was spent binge-watching speed art videos and tutorials. I gushed over Instagram artists, salivating at the idea of trading my hands for theirs — although trading brains would be more logical since creativity has a neurological basis.

Then, it finally dawned on me the other day. There’s an unspoken dichotomy between the hallmarks of a great artist and the skill level of a talented artist.

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Tune-In Tuesdays #77: Novarium on Creating “Virus”

The bi-coastal goth-metal band Novarium is re-emerging from their hiatus. They’re back — and with a viral vengeance.

Recently, we spoke to Novarium via email to learn more about their musical roots and their latest single, “Virus.” As a whole, the band is packed with personality and brimming with an energy that radiates beyond their immensely captivating sound.

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