a burgundy zine

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The Burgundy Zine Celebrates its Two-Year Anniversary

That’s why they call us The BZ, we’re back, we’re back… Well, sort of.

It’s been about two and a half months since we’ve gone on hiatus, but we wanted to stop in and wish our community a happy two-year anniversary.

Plus, we’ve got some pretty exciting news to share.

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Weekly Newsletter #87: SAVE THE PLANET. PLS.

In case you missed the memo, yesterday was Earth Overshoot Day, and last week the second-highest temperature ever recorded in human history occurred.

We need you to stop everything you’re doing and take a moment to reflect on your ecological footprint. How are you impacting the environment and what are you doing to mitigate the devastating effects of climate change?

After you’ve taken a minute to reflect, take us by the hand as we dive into our weekly recap.

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Bug’s Philosophy: Adulthood

As of today, I have legally been an adult for two years — but it wasn’t until recently that I finally began to feel like an adult.

Despite being a junior in college, working multiple jobs, paying taxes, taking public transportation into the city on my own (gasp), living with my partner, having six credit cards, and a number of other things, I still felt very much as if I was waiting for some anime-esque magical girl transformation into adulthood.

So… when was that defining moment? Was a Descartesian descent into quarantine madness and introspection?

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Weekly Newsletter #86: TALK TO US ABOUT SCIENCE

Y’know, I had this realization the other day that I manage to casually slip some textbook-sounding medical tidbit into just about every conversation that I have.

So, TALK TO US ABOUT SCIENCE! Don’t be surprised if editor burgundy bug somehow manages to go off on some ICD-esque tangent, though.

Anyways, let’s dive into our weekly recap.

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3 Years

Happy “three years of knowing you” anniversary, my honey darling. Thank you for being there for me through everything… Even my more questionable fashion choices.

I couldn’t ask for a better partner in life.

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