a burgundy zine

Tag: blogger life

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What Happens to Your Blood After it’s Tested?

After you’ve been pricked, prodded, and poked, pretty, little, crimson vials of your blood are shipped off to a lab, never to be seen again.

But what happens after it’s been tested? Is your blood fed to vampires in government warehouses to keep them from prowling the streets and feeding on people? Is it stored away in towering, futuristic refrigerators along with thousands of other samples for further experimentation?

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Bug’s Philosophy: Adulthood

As of today, I have legally been an adult for two years — but it wasn’t until recently that I finally began to feel like an adult.

Despite being a junior in college, working multiple jobs, paying taxes, taking public transportation into the city on my own (gasp), living with my partner, having six credit cards, and a number of other things, I still felt very much as if I was waiting for some anime-esque magical girl transformation into adulthood.

So… when was that defining moment? Was a Descartesian descent into quarantine madness and introspection?

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Weekly Newsletter #82: Oh, Where Does the Time Go

So, July’s almost over… How did that happen!?

Well, on the upside, we’re just nine days away from the release of The Burgundy Zine #16! The submission deadline for this issue is Tuesday, July 21.

However, any submissions after the deadline will have a place in “The Burgundy Zine #17” – so no worries!

Before getting too ahead of ourselves, let’s dive into this week’s recap.

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Weekly Newsletter #79: Save Our Venues!

The authentic and enchanting UK musical duo Broken Bones Matilda have recently announced they’re going on a virtual UK craft brewery tour over the next two weeks.

Broken Bones Matilda will be raising money for #saveourvenues during the tour. Those who sign on can look forward to great music, live drawing sessions with local artists, and other surprises that’ll keep you on the edge of your phone.

For more information about the virtual UK craft brewery tour, follow the duo on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Now, let’s dive into our weekly recap.

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Happy Birthday My Love 2020

(Queue intercom voice) AHEM. We’re here to interrupt your regularly scheduled Burgundy Zine content with a very special, incredibly important public service announcement:


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