a burgundy zine

Tag: burgundyzine

How to Celebrate 4/20 in Philly 2019

Apr 20th is a global, counterculture holiday with hazy origins.

Some accredit the existence of “4/20” to a group of high school students known as the “Waldos” who would meet up near a wall at school to smoke at 4:20 P.M. in the 70s, according to a High Times recipe book.

Others attribute 4/20 to Bob Marley, the musician an iconic figure in the cannabis community.

In any case, 4/20 is a day to kick back, exhale, and celebrate cannabis – legally and responsibly.

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Tune-In Tuesdays #14: Keying into KEEF

KEEF is an indie musician based in the Northwest UK, an area with a rich musical background, serving as the origins for bands such as The Beatles and The Smiths, as well.

With just a few days until his debut single, Only Human, KEEF and I spoke over the phone to discuss the track as well as his personal history with music.

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Weekly Newsletter #15: “Flower”-ing

This week, we recapped the highlights from New York City, tuned in for a special interview with the chiptune composer Doctor Octoroc, visited Longwood Gardens, and began releasing content in line with the theme of the fourth issue, cannabis.

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What in the World Wednesdays #13: Dropping Truth Bomb Cyclones

Aaaand we’re back!

Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand reflected upon her previous conservative views during the CNN town hall on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Lori Loughlin and 16 other parents were indicted over the college admissions scandal; scientists are revving to reveal the first real images of a black hole; and another bomb cycle is forecast to hit the central-northern United States.

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