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Tag: gardening guide

April is National Garden Month

Wake up and smell the roses… Then quickly retreat back into your house.

April is National Garden Month, and although most of us are quietly abiding by the international advice to stay home, you can still get your green thumbs going within the comfort of your humble abode.

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Gardening Guides: African Violets

African Violets are one of the most common, delicate, colorful houseplants that have been coveted by casual gardeners and botanists alike for over 50 years.

While new gardeners are generally cautioned against experimenting with African Violets until they’re a bit more experienced, they are not as difficult to care for as some may assume.

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Gardening Guides: Succulents

Whether you’ve got a green thumb or a knack for killing every plant you come in contact with, you can’t go wrong with succulents.

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