a burgundy zine

Tag: nature blog

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Evergreen by Melodie Muggy

Melodie Muggy encourages us to “respect the soil” through her beautiful poem and photo collage.

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To Walk the Sea by Sally Piper

Creative writing student Sally Piper shares an imagery-driven piece inspired by a local getaway near to her heart.

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Calling All Contributors – April & May 2020

Calling all contributors! If you’re a writer, artist, photographer, musician, or an environmentalist interested in having your work featured in “The Burgundy Zine #15: Go Green,” you’ve come to the right place.

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April is National Garden Month

Wake up and smell the roses… Then quickly retreat back into your house.

April is National Garden Month, and although most of us are quietly abiding by the international advice to stay home, you can still get your green thumbs going within the comfort of your humble abode.

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