a burgundy zine

Tag: work

Bug’s Philosophy: Self Care is Productive

It’s all too easy to find yourself consumed by the vortex of constant productivity. After all, if you’re not creating something worth sharing on the internet, then what the hell are you doing?

As stacks of to-do lists pile up to your eyes alongside empty coffee mugs, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters: your emotional and physical wellbeing.

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Digging Our Heels into Pashion Footwear with CEO Haley Pavone

Heels. They’re an elegant, classic wardrobe staple. Yet, in spite of being a a $34.1 billion industry, they are quite possibly the most impractical and unsafe style of footwear out there.

After personally falling victim to the dangers of stilettos, 23-year old entrepreneur Haley Pavone took matters into her own hands and started Pashion Footwear, the company that produces heels designed to transform into flats in seconds with a simple twist.

Yesterday, we reached out to Pavone via telephone to learn a little more about the launch of Pashion Footwear.

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How to Dress for Work Without Sporting Floral Prints

April showers bring seasons of clothing adorned in flowers. From bathing suits to crop tops to blouses to trousers, floral prints are practically inescapable… Until burgundy bug came to the rescue, that is.

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