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Write Your Best in 2020: 5 Ways To Survive The Year and Keep Writing by Deanna Jackson

By: Deanna Jackson

“New Year Resolution” written in a notebook

Source: WRITE Your Best in 2020: 5 Ways To Survive The Year and Keep Writing! | Deanna Jackson

Deanna Jackson The Wacky Writer helps us writers stay motivated with a few tips for the new year.

Personally, I accomplished a lot in 2019, but am glad for it to be over. I fought illness during the last half of the year that left me throwing myself a pity party for one. Also, I didn’t finish my work in progress, which was my one goal this year.

It happens. Don’t beat yourself up, like I’ve been doing. Here are some ways I’m making sure I stay productive in 2020.

Set Monthly Goals, Instead of Yearly

For me, this seems the most realistic and ensures I don’t have a complete meltdown at the end of 2020. My poor husband doesn’t deserve that kind of madness 🙂

In all seriousness, I think this is more realistic for some of us writers that have demanding full-time jobs, children, and families.

I’m a planner, so each month I have set goals and put them in my calendar. I printed a calendar from this website and WROTE out my goals for the month.

Sometimes writing and seeing your goals on paper sticks better. I used that tactic in college when taking notes. While everyone else was using their laptop, I would have my large notebook out.

I find it more in my face, and “real,” if I write it down with old school pen and paper!

Write – Even When There’s No Inspiration

I’m bad at this. If one thing I do this year is write more words than in 2019, I’m considering it a success!

I find I wait for inspiration to kick in before I pull out my laptop. I’m bound and determined to not do that in 2020.

Even if it’s just posting more fun content on my blog, or writing an excerpt, I wrote something! Anything will do!

It keeps our brains active throughout the year, which can spark that inspiration you’re looking for. 

Deanna Jackson | The Whacky Writer

Read Everything

Okay, not everything. But I write romance, so I receive a lot of book review requests for romance novels. This year, I have a wide list of different genre books to read for my reviews, and I’m pumped!

Thinking outside of the box, and sometimes reading in a different genre than you write, can be beneficial. When we read the same genre as we write, our voices may mesh with other authors of that same genre.

Reading outside your “norm” can help strengthen your voice, and maybe even introduce you to a new writing genre. 

Try a New Point of View

This one goes with the one above a bit.

When I wrote my first novella, I wrote it in first-person past tense. As I expanded my mind and reading list, I found that I prefer to write in third-person.

Not saying I’ll never write another story in first, but I feel more comfortable writing in third, and I think it reads better.

In my WIP, I expanded on that further, and am writing from secondary character views in third-person. I’ve never written from a male point of view, and it’s been challenging, but rewarding.

I’ve learned so much just experimenting with it all. If you’re scared to make the switch and unsure of how it sounds, have one of your trusty beta readers go over the first few paragraphs.

Hopefully, they’ll be honest and give you constructive feedback. If not, find a new one. 🙂 


I don’t love this word because I STILL identify it with the dreaded “big publishing houses” and querying for an agent. The good news is, as most of us know, it’s not the only way to publish anymore. Self-publishing is great.

But if you’re not ready to take on that task, publish a different way. Start a blog/website or post on other writing websites, like Wattpad. You’re still publishing your work.


In Conclusion 

I hope everyone has a prosperous 2020! I’m so thankful for the success I have had this year, and all the connections I’ve made. You all are truly amazing.

As always, if I can be any assistance on your writing journey, please email me.

Happy Writing!

Head on over to Deanna’s blog to read more of her writing.
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