a burgundy zine

Category: August 2020

How Many Calories Are Burned Playing Basketball?

Thump! Thump! Thump! Your heart beats in synchrony with the basketball as you dribble down the court. You swiftly shift gears into a pure state of flow as your eyes lock with the net. After the game, your body is a whirlwind of excitement, relief, and exhaustion.

A game of basketball is truly a full-body workout; you’re running, dribbling, shooting; your heart rate increases; and it takes a whole lot of concentration (let’s not forget, your brain accounts for 20 percent of all calories consumed by the body), too.

So, just how energy-intensive is a game of basketball? Experts at Dunk or Three slam-dunked it down to a science and have the answer.

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An Abbreviated History of Neuroscience

Ah, neuroscience, the study of the squishy, slimy, three-pound computer that rests between our ears. Although the brain is the most complex organ in the body (or as a Trends in Cognitive Sciences Journal review aptly put it, “one of the most complex multicellular structures in biology”), neuroscience itself is only a mere 55 years old.

That’s right — the study of the brain, this omnipotent, protein and fat blob of soft tissue, is probably much younger than your grandparents.

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How Online Counseling Can Help You Manage Quarantine Mood Swings

Summer’s over but the coronavirus pandemic appears to have no end in sight. Case numbers are still on the rise, schools change their plans for reopening every other day, social injustice continues to take more victims, and 10.2 percent of Americans remain unemployed.

Oh, let’s not forget to mention there’s an incredibly important presidential election looming over our nation, too.

Needless to say, 2020 has left us in a global fugue, confined to our homes and a prisoner of our minds, using moods like chalk to tally down the days spent in quarantine. After all, the varying emotions seem to be the only way to tell the days apart anymore.

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In Search of the Best DNA Test

DNA sequencing, a once distant, sci-fi fantasy that took over 20,000 CPU hours just 21 years ago has found its way into our hearts and homes through at-home DNA test kits.

But with so many different companies offering DNA tests that range from ancestry to health analysis — all of which, are available at highly-competitive prices — how does one determine which one is “the best?”

Fortunately, experts at The DNA Tests have stepped up to the plate to answer everything you’ve been curious about.

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Tune-In Tuesdays #84: Greysha on “Life Goes Fluently”

As passionate as she is personable, UK-based singer-songwriter Greysha captivates listeners as she explores her own emotions throughout the stories in her music.

Recently, we spoke with Greysha via Zoom to learn more about her latest single, “Life Goes Fluently.” We also discussed her musical roots and upcoming projects.

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Weekly Newsletter #87: SAVE THE PLANET. PLS.

In case you missed the memo, yesterday was Earth Overshoot Day, and last week the second-highest temperature ever recorded in human history occurred.

We need you to stop everything you’re doing and take a moment to reflect on your ecological footprint. How are you impacting the environment and what are you doing to mitigate the devastating effects of climate change?

After you’ve taken a minute to reflect, take us by the hand as we dive into our weekly recap.

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Bug’s Philosophy: Adulthood

As of today, I have legally been an adult for two years — but it wasn’t until recently that I finally began to feel like an adult.

Despite being a junior in college, working multiple jobs, paying taxes, taking public transportation into the city on my own (gasp), living with my partner, having six credit cards, and a number of other things, I still felt very much as if I was waiting for some anime-esque magical girl transformation into adulthood.

So… when was that defining moment? Was a Descartesian descent into quarantine madness and introspection?

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