a burgundy zine

Tag: alternative rock

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Tune-In Tuesdays #67: Neuromantics on “Crimes of Passion”

London-based alternative rock band Neuromantics is tethered together by their deep, heartfelt connection to their craft and their connections to each other as individuals.

Following the release of their debut album, “Crimes of Passion,” we spoke to vocalist Daniel Pye, guitarist Andrew Gambell, and bassist Danny Timóteo to learn more about Neuromantics’ emotive debut, their history as bandmates, and what the future holds for the group.

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Tune-In Tuesdays #65 BONUS: Be Loud With Us

Ah, nothing like a good mosh-pit-of-one to help you chill the fuck out, right? That’s why we’ve put together a playlist of our favorite alternative-rock and pop-punk music from the last 20 years.

Give our Spotify playlist listen and get loud with us!

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Tune-In Tuesdays #60: Neverman Singer Matt McGown on “the War Within Themselves”

Deeply personable and incomparably energetic, Neverman intrigues their listeners through their candid lyricism on wading through rough times only to emerge from them stronger and more resilient.

Following the release of their latest EP, “It’s Not a Prison, It’s a Prism,” we spoke to Neverman frontman Matt McGown to learn more about his personal connection with music and the band’s big goals for this year.

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