a burgundy zine

Author: burgundy bug

Happy National Clean Beaches Week – Don’t Forget to Wear Your Mask!

Americans nationwide are flocking to beaches in droves as states ease their way into the green phase of the coronavirus pandemic.

While some may feel life is slowly “returning to normal,” other states have just begun to feel the full wrath of COVID-19.

In addition to raising our environmental awareness for National Clean Beaches Week, let’s not forget that we’re still amidst a global pandemic. We encourage you to spread information about making your day trips to the coast as safe as possible.

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Should You Feel Challenged By Your Work?

Being self-employed comes with its own set of challenges: establishing your business, carefully keeping track of your taxes and deduction, generating leads, negotiating your own health insurance… The list goes on and on.

However, you may notice your day-to-day workflow falling into an all-too-predictable routine. You feel fortunate to do what you love for a living, but is it stimulating enough? Do you feel challenged – or rather, should you feel challenged?

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Weekly Newsletter #79: Save Our Venues!

The authentic and enchanting UK musical duo Broken Bones Matilda have recently announced they’re going on a virtual UK craft brewery tour over the next two weeks.

Broken Bones Matilda will be raising money for #saveourvenues during the tour. Those who sign on can look forward to great music, live drawing sessions with local artists, and other surprises that’ll keep you on the edge of your phone.

For more information about the virtual UK craft brewery tour, follow the duo on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Now, let’s dive into our weekly recap.

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Can Caffeine Decrease Productivity?

Pulling all-nighters to finish your homework, finals, work presentations. We’ve all been there – and we’re usually not alone during these late-night escapades. You’re probably accompanied by a good ol’ cup of coffee. Or perhaps some tea, a soda, an energy drink. Pick your poison.

After all, there’s nothing quite like a caffeine buzz. It’s notorious for getting you through long nights, Monday mornings, and hangovers.

But there’s a point at which too much caffeine begins having a paradoxical effect. Rather than a surge of productivity coursing through veins as you down yet another cup of coffee, research shows it may actually decrease your productivity.

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Seeking Healthcare Treatment During a Pandemic

Since the dawn of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States, the Centers For Disease Prevention and Control has reported a 42 percent decrease in emergency room visits for non-COVID-19 related reasons.

But, people don’t just stop having emergencies, do they? Not likely.

Even as some states inch their way towards the green phase, a recent Primary Care Collaborative survey reports face-to-face doctor’s appointments are still 50 percent below their previous volume.

So, what’s it like to be an individual pursuing healthcare, despite a global pandemic?

In all honesty, it’s been nerve-racking for me – especially since I’m being tested for autoimmune disorders. This means I’m potentially in the high-risk category for COVID-19.

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Anita Oommen on Finding Her Voice

Despite her career as a speech-language pathologist, it took her two decades in the field to realize she had yet to find her own voice.

After sharing her healing journey in “Picking Up the Shards: Healing the Pain of Mother-Wounds, Discovering the Mother-Heart of God,” author Anita Oommen inspired readers yet again with her second book earlier this year, “3-Minute Inspirational Reflections For the Soul: 50 Daily Truths and Journal Prompts.”

Recently, we spoke to Oommen via telephone to learn more about how she found her voice, began writing, and what readers can look forward to seeing next from her.

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Tune-In Tuesdays #75: A Heart-to-Heart on Agoraphobia with Katie Wood

Iridescent London-based power-pop artist Katie Wood uses the electricity of a nostalgic 80’s sound and sense of fashion to spark her heartfelt lyricism to life. Her aura is empowering and truly awe-inspiring.

Recently, we spoke to Wood via email for a candid discussion about her latest track, “Uh Huh Yeah,” which openly describes her experiences with agoraphobia.

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