a burgundy zine

Tag: writing submissions

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How Many Calories Are Burned Playing Basketball?

Thump! Thump! Thump! Your heart beats in synchrony with the basketball as you dribble down the court. You swiftly shift gears into a pure state of flow as your eyes lock with the net. After the game, your body is a whirlwind of excitement, relief, and exhaustion.

A game of basketball is truly a full-body workout; you’re running, dribbling, shooting; your heart rate increases; and it takes a whole lot of concentration (let’s not forget, your brain accounts for 20 percent of all calories consumed by the body), too.

So, just how energy-intensive is a game of basketball? Experts at Dunk or Three slam-dunked it down to a science and have the answer.

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Weekly Newsletter #86: TALK TO US ABOUT SCIENCE

Y’know, I had this realization the other day that I manage to casually slip some textbook-sounding medical tidbit into just about every conversation that I have.

So, TALK TO US ABOUT SCIENCE! Don’t be surprised if editor burgundy bug somehow manages to go off on some ICD-esque tangent, though.

Anyways, let’s dive into our weekly recap.

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Calling All Contributors – August & September 2020

Calling all contributors! If you’re a writer, artist, photographer, model, or musician interested in having your work featured in “The Burgundy Zine #17: Fall Into Science,” you’ve come to the right place.

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