a burgundy zine

Tag: writing

Favorite Memory by Marshall James Kavanaugh

“Favorite Memory” is a poem written on the spot by the ‘dream poet for hire,’ Marshall James Kavanaugh, in Rittenhouse Square, Philadelpha, Pa.

This poem will also be featured in the seventh issue of The Burgundy Zine on July 28th.

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Monthly Newsletter #6: Jumping Into June

In spite of the heat, we kept it pretty cool here this month on The Burgundy Zine. Of course, we wouldn’t have been able to do it without the help of our talented guest contributors and interviewees.

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Why We’re Seeing More Beached Gray Whales

Gray whales are a speckled, 45-foot, 1,500-pound marine mammal that are native to the Pacific Ocean, according to the Marine Mammal Center.

This year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) declared an Unusual Mortality Event due to the increase in strandings, so we reached out to the NOAA to dive further into the issue.

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Calling All Contributors – May 2019

Calling all contributors! If you are a writer, artist, photographer, or musician interested in having your work featured in the May 2019 issue of The Burgundy Zine, you’ve come to the right place.

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How to Write Engaging Content

Whether you’re a journalist or a creative writer, a die-hard film junkie or a scientist, blogging is one of the most effective ways to get your voice out and into the World Wide Web.

It’s one thing to blog, but writing posts that actually engage readers is taking on a whole other beast. You could promote the everloving hell out of your content, but if readers can’t understand or identify with your sentiment, all of your hard work suddenly becomes preaching to deaf ears.

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Cute but Corny New Years Resolutions

A resolution for the new year doesn’t have to be some drastic life-altering change. In fact, there are plenty of little decisions you can make that will have quite a huge impact on your daily life.

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