a burgundy zine

Weekly Newsletter #11: What the Luck!?

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By: burgundy bug


Source: Feelin’ Lucky? | Penelope Peru Photography P3

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

We began this week stepping up on climate change by taking a closer look at the history of one of humanity’s most pressing issues. Then, we tuned-in for a special interview with The Carousers, took a slice out of Pi Day, and bugged out over photography.

Weekly Recap

On Monday, we took a closer look at the history of climate change to devise how we can take little steps towards a larger movement, the environmental movement. Ultimately, it is up to us to save the Earth – after we’ve nearly destroyed it.

On Tuesday, we tuned-in to an interview with Cassidy Crosby, the bassist in The Carousers, the New Jersey-based alt-rock trio. Then, Mel encouraged us to step up on climate change – particularly by voting for politicians who take our ecological footprint seriously.

On Wednesday, we took a look at what was going on in the world:

  • The House of Representatives introduced the Dream and Promise Act of 2019
  • New Jersey legislators are moving towards legalizing recreational cannabis in the state
  • The UK Parliament released their plans to leave the EU without a deal
  • JLO and ARod got engaged
  • Another Boeing 737 crashed, killing all 157 passengers on board
  • There is a federal investigation of a nationwide college-entrance scam underway
  • Newport Harbor High School found itself covered in anti-semitic flyers days after a Holocaust survivor visited
  • The World Wide Web celebrated its 30th birthday.

On Thursday, we took a slice out of Pi Day.

On Friday, we invited writers, artists, photographers, and musicians alike to contribute content for the third issue of The Burgundy Zine.

On Saturday, one of our previous guest bloggers, Nimrah, featured an article about my love for photography on her blog.

Going Forward

Going Forward, keep an eye out for upcoming interviews with entomophagist – experts in the practice of eating insects. You can also expect more on hiking, wellness, self growth, as well as gardening guides.

As always, you can also count on The Burgundy Zine for routine installments of Tune-In Tuesdays and What in the World Wednesdays.

Interested in having content featured in an upcoming blog post or issue of The Burgundy Zine? Head on over to the submissions page!

For all other inquiries, please fulfill a contact form.

burgundy bug


A cynical optimist and mad scientist undercover, burgundy bug is the editor, graphic designer, webmaster, social media manager, and primary photographer for The Burgundy Zine. Entangled in a web of curiosity, burgundy bug’s work embodies a wide variety of topics including: neuroscience, psychology, ecology, biology, cannabis, reviews, fashion, entertainment, and politics. You can learn more about working with burgundy bug by visiting her portfolio website: burgundybug.com

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