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DIY Christmas Gifts for Kids

By: burgundy bug

Christmas Trainset Display

Source: Train Set 02 | Penelope Peru Photography

Whether you have no idea what to get your nieces or nephews, your scrambling to do last-minute Christmas shopping, or you’d rather save a little money, you can’t beat giving the art of crafting for Christmas.

Why DIY?

  • The money you would’ve spent on one gift will go towards supplies that can make multiple gifts
  • DIY gives you the opportunity to unleash your inner creative
  • Waiting for paint to dry beats waiting in Christmas shopping lines
  • DIY gifts are one-of-a-kind
  • Nothing says “I love you” more than ink-stained fingertips and carpal tunnel

DIY Gifts for the Little Ones

Most of these DIY gifts are simple and sweet, especially if you’re already familiar with some of these techniques.

… And if all else fails, you can always create a DIY Christmas card, throw a few bucks in it, and call it a day.

Read: DIY Cutest Handmade Greeting Cards

The Burgundy Zine

A Gift That’ll Stick

Glossy snowman stickers by burgundy bug

Source: Stickers | Penelope Peru Photography

Using our DIY sticker tutorial, you can make an endless amount of stickers for the little ones in your life.

Read: DIY Stickers for Beginners

The Burgundy Zine

Hint: Most kids like cute animals, including: dogs, cats, and bunnies. Dinosaurs and fish are generally an easy sell. Butterflies, ladybugs, and dragonflies can also make for some fun and unique stickers.

Bonus points if you’re able to draw a portrait of the child and make it into a sticker.

While Christmas stickers may seem like a good idea, it’s important to bear in mind that you will be giving these stickers on Christmas, so your Christmas stickers may seem out-of-season by Dec. 26th and sit in their drawer until next year.

Art from the Heart

Speaking of stickers, art is another DIY gift that comes straight from the heart.

Again, your options are endless. You could opt for a portrait of the child, a detailed drawing of their favorite animal, plant, place, plushie, or toy.

For the best results, stick to the medium you feel most comfortable with, whether it’s colored pencils, pens, watercolor, oil, or acrylic paint.


Handmade winter accessories are a phenomenal gift that’ll keep that little bundle of joy warm throughout the season.

Beanies are relatively easy winter apparel to knit for beginners, but for those who are more advanced knitters, gloves, sweaters, and blankets are additional options.

If you’re feeling particularly crafty, you could even crochet a custom stuffed animal!

Say it Ain’t Sew

Sewing supplies

Source: Pexels

Alternatively, you could sew them something special.

For beginners, pillows and pillowcases are fairly easy to create. Socks are another easy sewing craft.

If you’re a bit more experienced with a sewing machine, you could create plushies, shirts, trousers, and apparel.

Bonus points if you use t-shirt paper to iron on a custom design.

MADE Everyday has a ton of sewing tutorials geared towards children’s apparel, and Annika Victoria demonstrates plenty of great (and entertaining) sewing methods in her videos that could be applied, as well.

Beaded Bracelets

You could pick up a bracelet beading kit from your local craft store and string together something cute for him, for her, and for you, too.

Can you think of anything cuter than getting a matching friendship bracelet with your favorite relative?

In Conclusion

DIY Christmas gifts are an affordable and memorable solution that are bound to put a smile on a child’s face. It’s a loving gesture and it may just leave you with a new hobby.

Knowing your gift is one-of-a-kind is a special treat that’s bound to make the other kids on the playground just a tad jealous.

Don’t be surprised if you get a call one within the next few weeks asking for stickers, beanies, or friendship bracelets for some of your little recipient’s friends.

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