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Monthly Newsletter #11: Happy Thanksgiving

By: burgundy bug

An “oil painting” of William Penn with a turkey head

Source: The Burgundy Zine

11 months down, just one more left of this year. 

If you didn’t have your existential crisis over the dawn of a new decade taking place in just 32 days while chowing down on some turkey this Thanksgiving, we encourage you to get the feels out now.

Monthly Recap

We began this month by announcing Adobe’s Corrupt File Recovery department had successfully restored “The Burgundy Zine #10: Spooky Psychology” (which was released on Nov. 13), followed by Mahik’s poem, “Winter Season.”

After we tuned into “Gone” by Manic, we directed our artist spotlight towards Saumya, a young artist with a knack for vibrant, captivating paintings.

Then, we discussed the Cannabis Convention for Entrepreneurs headed for New Jersey.

Next, we detailed our visit to the Newseum and our experiences at the National College Media Convention at the Grand Hyatt in Washington D.C.

Peter kicked off our holiday series with his guide, “What to Wear When Meeting Your Partner’s Parents for Thanksgiving.”

Then, Mahik’s gave us a glimmer of warmth and sunshine to keep us going through the winter months with her poem, “Springz Knocking.”

Next, we tuned into VISTA for an interview about their latest EP, ”The Ruins,” which is the first installment in their upcoming EP trilogy. 

Then, we discussed the history and cultural significance behind evil eye amulets, followed by an overview of William Penn and his quaker ideologies that enabled colonial Pennsylvania to embrace cultural diversity.

Further embracing our love for our home city, we featured @PhillyDoorways brilliant photography.

Next, Peter gave us a few tips for hosting a Friendsgiving dinner.

Afterward, Sibyl’s Scribbles took us back in time with her poem, “An Invitation From the Forgotten.”

Bringing things up to date, we explored the state of the radio industry amidst this era of music streaming to find out whether radio is truly “dead” or not.

We also tuned in to an interview with Sätilä to learn more about his latest single, “Like You Do,” his lifelong love for music, and his experiences living aborad.

Then, Dark Blue Journal gave us a few ideas for eco-friendly gifts this holiday season that won’t break the bank.

Next, we discussed former vice president Joe Biden’s statements on cannabis legalization and decriminalization at his town hall in Las Vegas, Nev.

Afterward, The Green Ace suggested a few all-natural alternatives for aiding in the treatment of depression.

Then, we explored “Romance in the Digital Age,” followed by Tim Wingard’s article on the role of animal sexuality in the history of fighting for LGBTQ rights

Next, Allison Francis delighted us with an autobiography on Christine de Pizan, the first European feminist who championed for women’s rights in medieval times.

Then, Jen Grove reflected upon the visitor reactions at the 2014 “Intimate Worlds: Exploring Sexuality through the Wellcome Collection” exhibit put together by her and her colleagues.

Towards the end of the month, we tuned into Safety Net’s latest single, “How Does it Feel?” followed by a shoutout to the local, indie music group Marcelyn and their upcoming shows in Philadelphia, Pa.

Laura Adkins also piqued our interests with her article, “Martin, Murder, and Myths,” in which she shares stories about the Tower of London and dispels myths surrounding it.

Last but not least, we released “The Burgundy Zine #11: History and Holidays.” Although this issue was scheduled for release on Nov. 28, we decided not to rush the completion to just to make the deadline.

Instead, we spent an extra two days making sure everything was up to par and ship-shape for release.

Going Forward

Going forward, we’re going to begin releasing content for our “Craftmas issue” this December. 

December also marks the first birthday of The Burgundy Zine, so stay tuned for some very special content!

We’re also going to release our “Highlights of the Month” on Penelope Peru Photography within the next few days, so keep an eye out!

In the meantime, you can enjoy the highlights from our visit to a very Christmas-y themed botanical garden.  

Or, you can start working on your submissions for the December issue of The Burgundy Zine! 😉 

More information about submitting to this issue will be available on our blog shortly.

Thank You!

Once again, I can’t thank everyone who made this issue possible enough for their contributions. 

I never doubted that we could release two zines in one month, but I did worry there wasn’t enough time to generate content for a traditional “Burgundy Zine” issue. I figured “History and Holidays” would end up being much shorter and somewhat overshadowed by the Spooky Psychology issue that came out on Nov. 13.

This couldn’t have been further from the outcome. Yet again, we’ve put together a pretty kick-ass magazine, raising a big middle finger to time constraints and continuing to raise the bar for our blog.

Our guest contributor’s articles are immensely fact-driven and brimming with such interesting content. I’m beyond amazed.

Thank you, bug buddies, and a big thank you to all of our readers, as well.

Until next month,
burgundy bug >:^)

Interested in having content featured in an upcoming blog post or issue of The Burgundy Zine? Head on over to the submissions page!

For all other inquiries, please fulfill a contact form.

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