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Mountain Dew May Have Just Launched the Smartest Marketing Campaign of All Time

By: burgundy bug

Transparent Mountain Dew Bottle

Original photo courtesy of Genoist of Wikipedia

Source: The Burgundy Zine

Mountain Dew will give you $100, but it may just cost you $99.50, first.

A Bit of Context…

Manufactured by Pepsi Co., Mountain Dew is a carbonated soft drink with a sugary sweet and citrus flavor.

From June 3 through Aug 10, the brand’s “DEWnited States” campaign encourages consumers to collect bottles with custom design labels with all 50 states, sort of similar to the “Share a Coke” campaign – but there’s a twist.

If you collect all 50 states and enter each code in online, Mountain Dew will mail you prepaid gift card of $100.

The DEWNited States Campaign

DEWnited States commercial

Source: MTN DEW DEWnited States: National | Mountain Dew

“You can find the MTN DEW DEWNITED STATES labels anywhere that MTN DEW® and DIET MTN DEW® are sold.”

Mountain Dew – DEWnited States FAQ

All 50 state labels are available throughout the US, and each retailer will carry a variety of labels.

Eligible Products

  • Regular “MTN DEW” (16 oz. bottle)
  • Regular “MTN DEW” (16.9 oz. bottle)
  • Regular “MTN DEW” (20 oz. bottle)
  • Diet “MTN DEW” (16 oz. bottle)
  • Diet “MTN DEW” (16.9 oz. bottle)

How Practical Are the DEWnited States?


Think of it this way: the average price of a 20 oz. Mountain Dew bottle is $1.99, according to Hangover Prices. Assuming you only purchase one bottle of each state, collecting each label could run you $99.50.

Now, if those were 50 bottles of Mountain Dew you would’ve drank anyways, then this is a pretty sweet deal: get paid to drink a beverage you already enjoy.

Granted, if you drank one Mountain Dew a day for 50 days from the start of the campaign, you would’ve had more than enough time to redeem your reward (you would’ve had all of the labels by July 23).

Starting now, you’d have to drink about two Mountain Dews a day in order to make the deadline (at this rate, you’d have the labels by July 27).

Not patient enough to wait through 25 days of leisurely Mountain Dew consumption? If you were to collect all labels in one week, you would have to drink seven Mountain Dews a day, and then an extra one to reach 50.

That’s a lot of sugar – and a lot of caffeine, too. 3,850g of sugar and 4,550mg of caffeine, a total of 14,500 calories, to be exact.

Spread out over one week, that would be 550g of sugar, 650mg of caffeine, and about 2,071 calories a day.

By no means is Mountain Dew encouraging you to collect the labels in one week – the campaign is running until Aug 10, after all – but what’s stopping die hard dewheads from rushing through the process?

Again, the campaign is great for those who already consume Mountain Dew on a pretty regular basis, but if you’re not much of a soda drinker, why spend $99.50 and load your body with all the sugar and caffeine for $100?

You’d only earn $0.50, but hey, a penny saved is a penny earned, right? If you’re looking for a way to spend your newfound fortune, here’s a list of things you can do with 50 cents.

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