a burgundy zine

Tag: coronavirus

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#EarthDayAtHome – Celebrating Our Home Without Leaving the House

Earth is about 4.54 billion years old (give or take 50 years or so), and yet it took until 1970 for humans to dedicate an official holiday honoring this big, blue marble that we call home.

And now, for Earth Day’s big 5-0, the entire world has found itself on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.

So, how is one to celebrate the environment while stuck at home? Don’t fret, there’s plenty you can do to subtly say, “I love you” to this breathtaking, selfless space rock.

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What if a Natural Disaster Strikes During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The coronavirus pandemic has rattled life as we once knew it, like an earthquake trembling society’s foundation… But if an actual earthquake, a hurricane, a tornado, or a tsunami were to hit right now, what would happen?

Last week, we reached out to various organizations including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, World Health Organization, and American Red Cross to find out what emergency response would look like during a pandemic.

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April is National Garden Month

Wake up and smell the roses… Then quickly retreat back into your house.

April is National Garden Month, and although most of us are quietly abiding by the international advice to stay home, you can still get your green thumbs going within the comfort of your humble abode.

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