a burgundy zine

Tag: zine

Mycelium: Man’s Unexpected Best Friend

Red speckles and poofy, majestical shapes that appear to be pulled straight from a fairy tale are most likely at the forefront of your mind when you think of mushrooms – or, perhaps, some colorful, swirly-whirly imagery and “hippie babble” come to mind.

But there’s far more to mushrooms than meets the eye. Mycelium, the vegetative part of fungi that forms during the hyphae growth stage of mushrooms, has piqued the interests of researchers around the globe.

In recent years, scientists have put mycelium under the microscope due to its physical strength and pharmacological properties. This has opened the floodgates for mycelia to serve as a natural construction compound for building houses or creating new medicines.

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Weekly Newsletter #73: Stay Cool

At some point amidst the days that seem to blend together all too fluidly, summer has decided to remind us it’s just right around the corner with sunny skies and temperature highs of 85 degrees.

Stay cool and stay hydrated as we jump into this week’s recap.

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Is Greenland Okay?

Last year saw record-breaking ice melt events in Greenland, with the largest island on Earth yielding a net ice loss of over 300gt, according to the National Snow & Ice Data Center.

To put this into perspective, a gigatonne is 1,000,000,000 metric tons, and a metric ton is equal to 1.10231 US tons. 300gt is roughly 330.7 billion US tons. Here, try out the conversion for yourself. We’ll wait.

However, last year was only the seventh-worst year for ice melt in Greenland. Data from the NSIDC shows 2012 had the highest ice melt, but melt had significantly decreased by 2013 – that isn’t to say conditions weren’t a cause for concern, but they had “chilled out” in comparison to 2012.

So, is there a chance 2020 might spare a little mercy towards Greenland? Well…

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Weekly Newsletter #71: Kicking Off a New Journey

For those who might’ve missed our announcement on Thursday, The Burgundy Zine is launching a Kickstarter this month to fund our upcoming merch store!

We’re so excited to KICK off this next part of our journey and feel honored to take these first steps with you.

Before we get too sentimental, let’s jump into our weekly recap.

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Behind the Zines: We’re Launching a Kickstarter in May 2020!

It’s with an incomparable level of giddy and excitement that we announce the launch of The Burgundy Zine Merch Store campaign on Kickstarter – seriously, editor burgundy bug was clapping like a seal when the approval confirmation email graced her inbox.

The Burgundy Zine Kickstarter campaign will give us the ability to get our merch store off the ground with stickers, apparel, handmade cards, original artwork, and more. We also see the merch store as another platform for us to collaborate with artists and musicians to sell and promote their work.

Our Kickstarter campaign officially launches on May 21 and will end on June 21. However, you can be among the first to receive a notification when The Burgundy Zine Kickstarter launches: just visit our pre-launch page and make sure you press “Notify me on launch!”

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Litter is Not a Suitable Home for Ants, Study Says

The world is your oyster, not your dumpster – although it’s often mistreated as such.

The non-profit organization Keep America Beautiful reports the United States spends approximately $11.5 billion to clean up litter annually. However, crumbled up plastics and abandoned glass bottles still find their way into the natural world, invading forests, lakes, rivers, and oceans.

Recently, researchers investigated the impact of discarded bottles and containers on ants, questioning whether these discarded byproducts of human activity are a “deadly trap or sweet home.”

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