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Keep up with the latest content over on our blog page

If you are interested in submitting an article, artwork, photography, music, or anything else under the sun for our next blog post or issue of The Burgundy Zine, head on over to our submissions page

If you are interested in advertising on The Burgundy Zine website or in an upcoming issue of the digital zine, please refer to our marketing page.

For all other inquiries, please visit our contact page.


Blog features all content in our blog feed. 

Within our blog category, there are: 

J1 Portfolio is a collection of articles written throughout my Journalism I class.

Hot Stuff is the Latest in Everything and Anything You Ought to Know about The Burgundy Zine

Zines is a category for the digital zines, which are released monthly.

Which brings us to our next category.


The Burgundy Zine releases weekly newsletters, which contain our Weekly Roundup series.

Weekly Roundup features external links to articles, artwork, and music that has been submitted to us.

What is an external link? It’s a link to content outside of our website to other content — i.e. links to posts on other blogs, artwork on other websites, and music on other streaming platforms.

The weekly newsletter and Weekly Roundup will be available on our blog every Sunday. You can also subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter directly to your email inbox, as well.

Any updates pertaining to our blog, magazine, website, scheduling, and so on, will be released under our Announcements category.