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The Burgundy Zine Kickstarter Update #4: Help Us Help Others

By: burgundy bug

The Burgundy Zine Kickstarter Update #4: Help Us Help Others

Source: The Burgundy Zine

I’m going to be frank. It honestly feels like there couldn’t be a worse time to run a Kickstarter campaign – and I’m not saying that to start a pity party, but I’ve been holding off sharing news about the Kickstarter because there are far bigger, more relevant issues currently weighing on all of our minds.

It’s like a tug-o-war. We don’t want to let down our community by cutting our Kickstarter short, but we find it unethical to promote our own fundraising when you could be donating to The George Floyd Memorial Fund, your local bail fund, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense Fund, and donate to the countless other victims of injustice.

We want you to support these organizations and individuals with us.

In addition to the personal donations we and our contributors have made, we want you to know that any amount raised beyond our $2,000 goal will be donated to The George Floyd Memorial Fund and The NAACP Local Defense Fund.

The extra funds will be divided equally among both organizations.

We also encourage you to use our platform to help spread pertinent information about getting involved with the cause and to share your own stories. We refuse to stay silent, but we want our messaging to remain genuine; we want to spread information from individuals who know first-hand the injustices of our society.

I personally wish I could give more to these organizations and individuals, but I’m limited by my own means – I’m a college student and a freelancer (my chronic health issues have also made it harder for me to work lately, even though I’m fortunate enough to work from home).

I know that every dollar I’ve donated counts, but I can’t help wishing I could donate more than just a few dollars.

Plus, running The Burgundy Zine (which only generates about $8 a month in ad revenue, despite receiving anywhere from 30,000 to 50,000 visitors monthly) comes with expenses that I’m going to have to cover by the first week of July, regardless of whether our Kickstarter meets its goal or not. And it wasn’t until last week that I found out the website server fee unexpectedly went up an extra $130 annually.

Anyways, this isn’t about me. This about our community and taking action to change the systematic dysfunction that’s powered our societies for far too long.

Help us help others. With your generosity, we can give a far more substantial donation on the behalf of the entire The Burgundy Zine.

For more information about our Kickstarter, please click here. If you would like to share information on our platform, please visit our submissions page.

To learn more about how you can get involved with the Black Lives Matter movement, please click here. This link contains organizations and individuals you can donate to, ways to donate “with no money,” petitions you can sign, and so much more.

Please share that link with as many people as you can; send it to your friends, send it to your family, share it on your social media, hang a sign in your front window with the link. Keep spreading the word.

Until next week,
burgundy bug

Editor’s P/S: I’m still very torn about promoting our Kickstarter. I really don’t want this to come off as ingenuine, but I’m caught between a rock and a hard place. And I know that doesn’t compare to anything else that’s currently going on in the world, but I want to be honest with you and I don’t want to let you down.

I’ve pretty much avoided mentioning any donations I’ve made because I don’t want to come off as “just another white girl influencer using #BLM as a trend for clout.” That idea sickens me to my very core.

On the other hand, I don’t want to pretend this isn’t happening, either. By not sharing information, I’m playing into the bystander effect, which sickens me too.

I want to support the movement however I can. The Burgundy Zine has always been a platform for self-expression and I want to invite others to continue utilizing it as such.

Nothing feels like the right thing to do at the moment. Even continuing with our pre-scheduled content this week has felt distasteful.

I want you to please educate me. How do you feel? What would you like to see platforms such as ours doing from here on out? My inbox is open. I’m here to help however I can.

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