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The Burgundy Zine Merch Store Update #2: KICKSTARTER LAUNCH IN ONE WEEK!

By: burgundy bug

The Burgundy Zine Merch Store Update #2

Source: The Burgundy Zine

Time really flies when you’ve been inside for two months, huh? Well, bug buddies, we’re just ONE WEEK AWAY from our KICKSTARTER LAUNCH!

Get ready, those of you who keep up with our Instagram stories are about to get flooded with art and snapshots of “The Burgundy Zine #15.”

What Have You Been Up To, Bug?

Oh, you know me, still working from midnight through to noon. Busting out art for the Kickstarter campaign, busting out The BZ #15, busting out content for my clients, putting together a portfolio site to promote myself as a freelancer, getting ready to go back to college this fall, and still contemplating when to cut my hair again.

… I think that covers everything.

The Burgundy Zine Merch Store Update

With just one week left until The Burgundy Zine Merch Store campaign launches, I’ve been putting together various “samples” of what the rewards will look like for backers who pledge at least $5!

In last week’s update, we shared the logo, cow, and “Florette” stickers.

Digital stickers for The Burgundy Zine Merch Store backers on Kickstarter, as seen in the update on May 7th

Source: The Burgundy Zine

Note: The images throughout this post are promo-copies of the Kickstarter campaign artwork and not the official files backers will receive.

This week, we have a few new stickers to unveil:

Digital sticker rewards for The Burgundy Zine Merch Store backers

Source: The Burgundy Zine

Additionally, I got my feelers on a stipple brush set that I fell head over heels for in an instant. It’s left me overflowing with inspiration, as it gives me the opportunity to explore a whole new art style – and an art style I’ve been fond of for quite some time, if I may add.

Speaking of the stipple brushes, here’s a stipple art landscape that backers will receive as a pre-made piece of digital art:

Stipple art landscape “Shine On, Eye On” reward for The Burgundy Zine Merch Store backers on Kickstarter

Source: The Burgundy Zine

We will continue to release these updates throughout the entirety of the Kickstarter campaign and after the campaign has concluded.

Upon launch, the artwork will be posted to our Kickstarter campaign page, as well. You’ll also be able to see our upcoming artwork on our Instagram stories – and probably on our Twitter, too.

For more detailed information about the Burgundy Zine Merch Store campaign and various rewards backers will receive, please refer to this post.

How’s The Burgundy Zine #15 Coming Along?

Pretty smooth sailing! As I had mentioned before, all of the content from April is in. There are more articles that’ll be posted throughout this month that still need to be laid out in this issue, but it shouldn’t take very long.

The most time-consuming parts of designing each zine (and arguably one of the most invigorating parts) are laying out photostories and interviews… Which, I always make the mistake of waiting until the very last minute to do.

Not this time, bug buddies. I have a few photostories laid out, but the interviews are still a work in progress. I’ll probably start laying them out this weekend.

As articles, photostories, and interviews are compiled into the zine, I simultaneously work on “page fillers” – art, mini-passages, etc… That’s always a blast, too.

Then comes the very, very last step: finalizing the zine. This means going through and renumbering each page, filling out the credits and directory, flipping through to make sure there aren’t any glaring errors, etc…

Once all of THAT’S done, I lay out each zine on our website, and send out a personalized email to every single contributor.

The outreach portion always leaves me feeling all warm and sentimental because, APPARENTLY, I am a mushy-gushy-love-bug-biddy-biddy-boop-boop. Hahahaha. I can’t help it! I’ve got this big ol’ heart stuffed into 4ft 11in of human flesh and it just overflows, y’know.

You Also Mentioned a Portfolio Site…?

That’s right! I’m putting together a website that highlights some of my writing, artwork, and graphic design for those who are interested in hiring me for freelance work. I have all of my prices and services laid out on the website, as well.

There will be an announcement with more information about the portfolio website by the end of this week.

When Do You Have Time to Do All of This Stuff?

I get asked this quite often. The simple answer: coffee is a bug’s best friend.

ANYWAYS! Thank you for tuning into this week’s Burgundy Zine Merch Store Update. Stay warm, stay healthy, and stay safe!

Until next week,
a very eager, very giddy burgundy bug >:^)

Donate to The Burgundy Zine

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For all other inquiries, please fulfill a contact form.

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