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Today is Earth Overshoot Day. Here’s How to Honor It

By: burgundy bug

During its flight, NASA’s Galileo spacecraft returned images of the Earth and Moon. Separate images of the Earth and Moon were combined to generate this view.

Source: NASA Images

Today is Earth Overshoot Day, which marks the date when we silly, demanding humans have exhausted the natural resources beyond what Earth can regenerate in a given year.

“We maintain this deficit by liquidating stocks of ecological resources and accumulating waste, primarily carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,” says the Global Footprint Network. “Earth Overshoot Day is hosted and calculated by Global Footprint Network, an international research organization that provides decision-makers with a menu of tools to help the human economy operate within Earth’s ecological limits.”

So, what can you do to honor the observance and #MoveTheDate?

Moving the date all comes down to being more mindful of your ecological footprint — i.e. striving to conserve your energy use, choosing sustainable products, and recycling.

Climate change affects all of us, including the generations to come. What kind of planet will you leave in the hands of your children and your children’s children?

Get Educated

The Global Footprint Network is hosting a variety of virtual events and workshops where you can learn more about sustainable living.

If you’d like to keep up with future events hosted by the Global Footprint Network, you can subscribe to the newsletter on their website.

Alternatively, you can learn how Earth Overshoot Day 2020 was calculated here.

Mind Your Ecological Footprint

Do you really know how much your daily life affects the planet? Well, it’s time to find out. The Global Footprint Network provides a free Ecological Footprint calculator where you can calculate your own Earth Overshoot Day.

As a work-from-home vegan who has only left the house six times since March 13, 2020 (five times of which, were for doctor’s appointments within a few minutes of my home), my personal Earth Overshoot Day this year is October 5th.

Editor burgundy bug’s personal Earth Overshoot Day

Source: Footprint Calculator

Spread Awareness

Word of mouth is a powerful tool. We need you to have these tough conversations about climate change and sustainability with your friends, co-workers, parents, and even grandparents.

We’ve covered climate change quite a bit here at The Burgundy Zine and we intend to continue doing so. Here are a few articles to glance over to get an idea of this issue’s scope:

Make an Impact

Additionally, here are a few articles that dive into eco-friendly lifestyle choices:

Share Your Story

We need you to help us keep the discussion going. Our community wants to know what you’re doing to #MoveTheDate.

To share your story on our blog and in our digital magazine, head on over to our submissions page!

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